
How to raise a deposit bill for a PO

For purchase orders that have a prepayment, in order for the payment to be allocated to a bill, and apart from saving the payment as a prepayment on Xero, try this method to raise a deposit bill.

(Step 1 of 4) Setup:

If not created already, setup a new non-diminishing product SKU called PODEPOSIT (or similar), and edit its GL mapping to assign the relevant Xero GL account for the purchases field. This GL mapping is important because when the deposit bill is synced to Xero, the value goes into this account rather than the default inventory GL mapping account.


(Step 2 of 4) Raise a deposit bill:

  1. Edit the existing PO that contains one or more product lines
  2. Add a new line for PODEPOSIT:
    • Qty: 1
    • Value: the deposit amount
  3. When ready, click "Receive"
  4. Click "Restart" to reset the receipting qty
  5. Enter the qty of 1 into "Quantity to receive" on the PODEPOSIT line
  6. Commit the receipt
  7. If this is a local supplier PO, then the bill would have been created at this point (if the create bill option is ticked).
  8. For overseas POs, go through the landed costing and finalise it to produce a bill just for the PODEPOSIT line that have been receipted. Since it is a deposit bill, don't enter any fees for this landed costing.


(Step 3 of 4) Allocate payment to the deposit bill:

When the deposit bill has synced to Xero, the payment can be allocated against this bill.

After that, this payment amount gets downloaded and saved onto the PO on Qblue. To view it, either click on "Show prepayments" on the PO listing page or see the "Prepaid amount" field on the PO edit page.


(Step 4 of 4) Tidy up:

It is very important to remember to enter a new deposit line with a negative qty to offset the deposit line that was entered on the above.

  1. Add a new line for PODEPOSIT:
    • Qty: -1
    • Value: the deposit amount
  2. This line and the last PODEPOSIT line total value must sum to zero.



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