

Bookmarks: Company types | Filters | Add a new company | Shipping / delivery addresses | Pricing tiers | Functions available when viewing or editing a customer card file

This list consists of all customer contact companies including leads, opportunities, and customers.

Leads and opportunities are marked clearly with the following symbols:


Company types

  • Lead: a new lead (just a contact at this stage).
  • Opportunity: a new opportunity can be a lead turned into an opportunity; or directly set a new contact as an opportunity.
  • Customer: active customer ready for transactions.
  • Supplier: active supplier for purchase orders.
  • Customer+Supplier: the contact company is both a customer and a supplier.



  • Company type: the initial types are: Lead, Opportunity, Customer, Customer+Supplier and Supplier.  Customer+Supplier means a company is a paying customer as well as a supplier you can purchase items from.
  • Tags: filter by tags saved against customer card files.
  • Showing active only: by default, those that are inactive are hidden from view. You can click on this button to include them in the list.
  • Search: search for one or more words.
  • Accept marketing emails: the "Accept marketing emails" feature is used to create a list of customers who would like to receive marketing emails from you. For example, you could send a mailout to all of your clients telling them of the deal on Boxing Day.


Add a new company

The system provides different ways of adding new companies or customer cards, which are:

  • through Leads
  • through Opportunities
  • and through Companies

On the company screen, you're only required to fill in the company name and Default email address. The other fields are optional.


Shipping / delivery addresses

A customer or supplier can have one or more (or multiple) shipping addresses entered or imported.

These addresses can be searched via
the company’s list page or
the customer/supplier’s search page
Tip: the default address is included in the search by default.

Watch a quick demonstration of how shipping addresses work:


Pricing tiers

Each customer can belong to a pricing tier, e.g. Tier 1.

You can create a Pricing Tier under Sales menu > Promotions.

Each pricing tier can be setup as:

1. by product categories (Level 1 only)

2. and by product Sku codes



Functions available when viewing or editing a customer card file:

  • Dashboard: a quick snap information about the customer's ageing invoices values and other stats
  • History: view the details of any changes made on the customer card file
  • Lead entry: view the customer's lead contact information
  • Opportunities: a customer can have one or more opportunities, click here to view, edit or create opportunities for the customer
  • Options: configure advanced options for the customer, for example:
    • Change the customer's payment term
    • Set credit limit amount
    • Set stop credit status
    • Set default shipping method
    • Set a default consignment location
    • Change the relationship manager
    • Set the default option for "customer reference is mandatory on sales orders"
    • Set a packing slip email address
    • Set a different invoice email address
    • Set a different statement email address
    • And so on
  • Contact persons: the same customer card file can setup one or more contact persons from their organization. You can set the following options for a contact person:
    • Exclude from marketing emails
    • Default for emailing: when emailing a sales order/quote, this contact will be automatically set to the "To" recipients
    • Contact profile details such as position in their company
  • Tasks: view and maintain tasks for the customer
  • Notes: view and maintain notes and reminders for the customer
  • Documents: view and upload documents specifically for the customer, these can include: PDF, Word documents, Excel documents and text files. This makes easier to retrieve documents saved for the customer.
  • Transactions: all outstanding or all past invoices, credits and payments for the customer
  • Sales orders & quotes: view outstanding orders and quotes for the customer
  • Consignment products: if the customer has a consignment location setup, view the products, quantity levels and product costs in their location.

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.