
Sales orders

Bookmarks: User status | Replenish sales order items | Quick order entry | Part-fulfilled orders no longer wanted or it needs to be completed: | Spliting an order to be shipped from different locations | Packing list printing | Pick pack processes: | Finalise an order | Ship using different locations

View how to create a new sales order

All the sales orders can be found on this page. By default, it shows the orders that have not been completed.

These include:

  • Draft: un-confirmed sales orders e.g. orders awaiting for confirmation from the customers. You can print a sales order and email it to the customer for their confirmation.
  • Quote: this is the same as un-confirmed sales orders but with a quote printed.
  • PartFulfilled: orders that can't be fulfilled at once or orders that have partially shipped. These can be treated as back orders because they are waiting for more inventory to come in before they can be fulfilled. During this time, they can be edited or cancelled.
  • Confirmed: confirmed orders. When an order is set to Draft or Quote status, you can click on the Confirm Order link to set the order status to Confirmed. There are also two mechanisms for the system to confirm an order automatically, which are:
    1. Printing (or emailing) any of the following documents:
      • packing list,
      • proforma invoice
      • or invoice/credit note
    2. Importing an order from a sales channel, e.g. from Shopify or Trade Me. Orders imported from sales channels have their own payment status, and if an order has been paid, the order status will be confirmed along with a user status of Paid.

Other order statuses are:

  • Fulfilled: the order has been shipped in full. This is the final status for an order after it has gone through the ordering process. If the customer profile has the invoice emailing option enabled, then when the order is confirmed as shipped, an invoice will be emailed to them. You can find all the invoices and credits from the Invoices & Credits menu item inside the Sales menu.

  • One sales order can be split into multiple shipments. This is to cater for when inventory levels are low and items put into back order. Each shipment will result in a new invoice.

    The invoice number sequence will be formed part of the sales order number. For example:
    Order number 123456
    Shipment number 1, invoice number 123456
    Shipment number 2, invoice number 123456-2
    Shipment number 3, invoice number 123456-3

  • Cancelled: orders that have not been fulfilled and weren't wanted. These might include part fulfilled orders that have been cancelled.
  • Ready for API: when you sign up for our services, your account will automatically have a default option to set an invoice to API ready. You can turn this option off in the Settings, Sales section. If the automatic option is turned off, after an order has been invoiced, you can edit its header information before it can be set as API ready.

Note: API ready means it's ready to be exported to other financial software systems like Xero.com.


A typical sales order process

It depends on different situations, the order statuses do not have to be processed in sequential.

Typically, here is how the order process work on Qblue:

  1.     Draft
  2.     Convert Draft to Confirmed: The inventory qty is reserved
  3.     Check if the order can be shipped in full
    • If there is not enough stock to cover the whole order, then the order can be partially shipped/dispatched
      • Partially shipped orders will have a status of Partfulfilled
      • Each dispatch/shipment will create an invoice
    • If it can be shipped in full, then the order will be fulfilled in full
  4.     When the order is shipped/dispatched in full
    • Status changes to Fulfilled
    • This is the final status of the order
    • An invoice will be created after each ship out & invoice
    • During the ship out/dispatch, you can choose to print or email the invoice, or set the customer to automatically receive the invoice email.

If a quote is required, the Quote status will be inserted like this: Draft to Quote to Confirmed

For a Partfulfilled order, if there are no more shipments are required, the order can be marked/flagged as completed. After it is marked as completed, the order's status will be set to Invoiced with no further shipment.


Locking the order customer

When the order status is set to Draft or Quote, the customer can be changed. Otherwise, the customer is locked from editing against the order.

If the order status is set to Confirmed, before the customer can be changed, click "Revert" to it back to Draft, Save the order and reload it for editing.


Watch a quick demonstration of the sales orders system:


User status

The sales orders page allows a user status where you can manually setup your own status wording or customize its setting. This is useful because you can flag an order to any status that you find meaningful to your.

For example, you could create a user status of "Waiting" to show all the users in the system that the order is waiting for the customer to confirm or come back with more instructions.

With integrations to other systems such as Shopify or Trade Me, the system reserves the "Paid" user status as it detects if the order being imported is paid on these platforms.

Click here to setup your own order user statuses.


Replenish sales order items

When inventory levels are low or are sold out, you still can raise sales orders. A sales order can be replenished by linking to one or more purchase orders.

A purchase order link can be allocated to one or more sales order line items. Once the purchase order is received, Qblue creates a reminder note for the manager.

Watch the video for a quick demo:



Quick order entry

  • Create new sales orders with the quick order tool, which focuses on product lines.
  • It allows for fast data entry, especially for orders with many lines.
  • The default customer data are used, these include: currency, tax type, payment term, default shipping address and promotional pricing (if any)



Part-fulfilled orders no longer wanted or it needs to be completed:

When a sales order is in part-fulfilled status, you can set it as completed by clicking on "Complete" to change the order from part fulfilled to completed, see below:


Spliting an order to be shipped from different locations

Click here to view the FAQ documented for this.


Packing list printing:

  1. When printing the packing list before dispatch:
    1. When the order status is on Draft, Confirmed or Quote, it will show all the products added to the order
    2. When the order status is on Partfulfilled, it will show only the back ordered products and the remaining quantities
  2. After dispatch, the packing slip (when toggled to print) will show:
    1. All the products shipped and
    2. the products on back order, see below for an example:


Pick pack processes:

Method one:

  • Enter a new order or quote
  • Optional step: print or email the order details confirmation to the customer, once confirmed go to the next step
  • Print the packing list (by clicking on the dropdown arrow next to the Print button from the order entry page)
  • The warehouse staff uses the packing list to pick and pack
  • Come back to the office staff to update the order and confirm invoicing


Method two:

  • Enter a new order or quote
  • Optional step: print or email the sales order confirmation to the customer, once confirmed go the next step
  • Send the order to the "Dispatch queue" by setting the order status to "Confirmed", i.e. not draft or quote
  • Optional step: limit what orders can appear on the dispatch queue by setting another status(es). For example: the order has to be paid or deposit paid or has a status of "Ready to dispatch". This can be set from the sales settings page.
  • The "Dispatch queue" was designed for the warehouse team.
  • From there, they select one or more orders to print the packing lists
  • The warehouse staff use the packing list to pick and pack
  • When ready, go to the computer and dispatch the order and enter the quantities that have been packed. Once the dispatch is compeleted, the system creates an invoice for the dispatch.
  • For the items that are not dispatched, these will be back-ordered
  • A packing slip (or delivery order) can be printed during the dispatch, this is so that it can be put into the package


Finalise an order

How this process works is:

  •     A sales order has a confirmed status or has a proforma invoice printed
  •     If the order is now ready to invoice and no more changes are required, the order can be finalised. To do this: click "more", then "Finalise order".
  •     The order status is now "Finalised" and it remains on the outstanding sales orders list
  •     A tax invoice will be created and it will be synced to Xero (if enabled)
  •     When ready, the order can be shipped by opening the order, then click "Ship out"
  •     After that, the stock levels are reduced and the cost of goods sold will be synced to Xero (if enabled)


Cancelling a finalised order

It depends on whether the associated invoice has been sent to Xero or not:

  1. Invoice has been sent:
    • The system cancels the order, along with the invoice
    • At the same time, it creates a credit note to counter the invoice in Xero
  2. Invoice has not been sent:
    • The system cancels the order, and voids the invoice on Qblue without sending anything to Xero


Ship using different locations

Every sales order has a "Ship from location" option by default, and the stock levels are updated at this location upon shipment.

To specify a different ship from location for the line items that are in the same order, click on the "Supply locations" button, see below:

* Contact us if this option is not available *

Or, from the "more" menu:

When the order is shipped, the system performs the following stock transactions:

Assume the order's default ship from location is: A

Line 1 item ships from: B

Line 2 item ships from: A

Line 3 item ships from: C

  • For line 1 and 3:
    • The system performs an automatic stock transfer from location B (or C) to A
    • Then reduces the stock level from location A
  • For line 2:
    • The system reduces the stock level from location A

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.