
System updates - 18 Mar 2024

System updates for 18 Mar 2024:

  • Able to send SMS messages for a task/job that has already been completed
  • Check to populate the top phone number field (from the customer's card file) for sending SMS on a task/job when the mobile number is not entered.
  • MailChimp (MC) integration:
    • Added the PHONE merge field
    • When sending new contacts to MC, tell MC to ignore the mandatory validation rules
  • Disabled taking further payments for an invoice (on Qblue) when it has already got a payment imported from Xero.
  • Add the ability to print an inventory levels report for up to a date that the user chooses.
  • Open up the landed cost history report to filter by supplier:
    • Go to Reports menu > All reports
    • On the Inventory column: Landed cost history by product or by supplier
  • Able to edit the variation option values when viewing variants for a product:
    • Edit a product that have multiple variations
    • Click "Variations" on the left
    • Click "Edit variants"
  • Added new filters for when viewing/editing a stocktake:
  • Added ability to hide payment transactions from printing customer statements
  • Fixed the issue when printing multiple copies of product labels on the 17.5 x 10.2 size
  • Added the ability to log/enter a general or payment note against an invoice
    • View an invoice
    • Click Actions
    • Record a note
  • Ignore a single special character (e.g. *, %, ^, $, #, @, !, +, \, / and so on) during a product or customer or supplier search
  • Added check and validation to ensure the total stock credit payment amount must be equal or less than the customer's available credit limit amount.
  • Export/print inventory levels report group by product types (or in your term: groups)
    • Go to Reports menu > Inventory levels > Tick "Product type totals" checkbox
    • When the list is exported to Excel, the empty columns will not be shown
  • Re-print a packing list with bin locations for a fulfilled/completed order:
    • View a fulfilled order, then
  • Print a purchase order with bin locations:
    • Edit a PO, then
  • Able to refresh the product's supplier price on a PO
    • Edit the PO products,
    • Click on a product line, then
  • Save & copy to new product:
    • Edit a product
    • Click "List products" (top left)
    • Click "Save & copy" at the top
    • This copies the following for editing (before saving):
      • Product description
      • Product body/Html description
      • Product type, categories
      • Variation prices
  • Price tiers vs product unit cost price:
    • Go to Products menu > Export data
    • Choose "All product price tiers" from the data types dropdown
    • Click Download
    • The unit cost price can be found in column C (read only)
  • Added customer tag filter to sales details report:
    • Go to Reports > Sales report > Invoice details report
  • Added customer tag filter and "Filter on expected date" to outstanding orders summary report:
    • Go to Sales menu > Sales orders
    • Click "more" on the right
    • Then "Orders summary report"

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.