
Purchase price list

Bookmarks: Unit factor of | Data import template for supplier purchase price list

When adding products to a new or an existing purchase order, the buy price is calculated using one of three methods (in order from 1 to 3):

  1. It gets a purchase price that is setup in the "Purchases" menu, "Price list"
    This is the buy price for a certain supplier; you can use it to enter different prices for the same product from multiple suppliers.
  2. Sku variation's "Unit cost price for new purchases" taken from the product edit
  3. If #1 & #2 above weren't setup, it'll get the FIFO cost. Otherwise the default buy price is zero

The buy price can always be overridden to the actual price at the time of data entry in any of the aforementioned calculations.


Price list

You can add supplier price lists by using the Price list menu item from the Purchases main menu.

Unit factor of

This is a conversion number that the purchase order system uses to exchange quantities between different units.

In the above example:

Supplier unit is in KG

The system's item selling unit is in Gram

Therefore with an unit factor of 1000, you can reorder this item in KGs (from the specific supplier) and when the order is receipted, the system automatically convert the receipted quantities into the systems item selling unit (in this case, Grams) by using the unit factor.


Data import template for supplier purchase price list

To import supplier price list, go to Products menu, Import data, then select "Supplier price lists" from the list of data types.

Column Column name Purpose
A Sku Mandatory field, internal system SKU, it can be the same or different to the supplier SKU.
B Description (read only) Read-only, for importing, this field can be blank. If filled in, this will not be imported or updated.
C Supplier name Mandatory field, supplier name.
D Purchase list price (excl) Mandatory field, the purchase price (in the supplier's currency) for new purchase orders. This can be treated as the unit buy price of the product in the supplier's currency.
E Discount percentage The supplier's given product discount percentage (if any). The net purchase price will be purchase list price (D) minus the discount (E).
F New selling price (optional) During importing, enter the new selling price (in base currency) to update at the same time. Leave blank to not to update the selling price.
G New full selling price (optional) During importing, enter the new RRP price (in base currency) to update. Leave blank to not to update.
H Supplier unit Supplier product unit used for purchasing. It can be the same or different to the internal product unit. The internal unit can be treated as selling unit, whereas the supplier unit is the purchasing unit.
I Unit factor Conversion factor between supplier product unit and the internal unit. For example: supplier ships the product in BOXes and in multiples of 10 units (Each) of the same product in each box.
J Supplier sku Supplier SKU, this information is given by the supplier. This is used on purchase orders printing.
K Supplier reference Supplier product reference, this information is given by the supplier. This is used on purchase orders printing.
L Converted local purchase price (excl discount) Current purchase price in the base currency. Leave blank to not to update.
M Notes Price notes or comments.


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