
Purchase orders

Bookmarks: User status: | How to receive purchase orders | How to create a bill before items are receipted | How to enter supplier invoices or bills after receipting an overseas purchase order | A quick PO with landed costing video

All purchase orders can be found on this page. By default, it shows the orders have not been completed.

These include:

  • Draft: un-confirmed purchase orders.
  • Confirmed: confirmed orders. When an order is set to Draft or Quote status, you can click on the Confirm Order link to set the order status to Confirmed. Also, there are 2 mechanisms for the system to confirm an order automatically:
    • Printing (or emailing) any of the following document:
      • purchase order,
      • request for quote (RFQ),
      • purchase order with no pricing
  • PartFulfilled: orders can not be fulfilled by the supplier or orders have partially received.

Other order statuses are:

  • Fulfilled: the order has been received in full.
  • Fulfilled Awaiting bill: the order has been received in full into the inwards virtual silo and the items are not ready for ship out yet until the supplier bill is entered and posted. This works in conjunction with the landed cost calculation system.
  • Invoiced (billed): this is the final status for an order after it has gone through the shipment process.You can find all the bills and credits from the Bills menu item inside the Purchases menu.
  • Cancelled: orders that have not been fulfilled and were not wanted.These might include part fulfilled orders that have been cancelled.
  • Ready for API: when you sign up to our service, you account has a default option to set a bill to be API ready automatically. You can turn off this option in the Settings, Purchase section. If the automatic option is turned off, then after an order has been fulfilled, you can edit its header information before it can be set as API ready.

    API ready means it is ready to be exported to other financial software systems like Xero.com


How to receive purchase orders

The shorter version:

  • Go to Purchases menu, then Purchase orders
  • Search for a PO, then click on the PO number to open
  • Click "Receive" (top right)
  • Check each product qty in "Quantity to receive" column to ensure the numbers match the actual quantities receipted (or match the supplier's bill)
  • If not, change the respective row to the receipted qty
  • When ready, click "Commit receive" (blue button) on the left
  • Click yes to confirm the receipt
  • After this:
    • For local currency POs:
      • By default, as soon as a local currency PO is receipted, a supplier bill will be created automatically, and the stock quantities will be increased
      • The bill will then be synced to Xero
      • Once the bill has been paid on Xero, the payment comes back into Qblue
    • For foreign currency POs:
      • The status of the PO will be changed from "Confirmed" to "Received awaiting bill"
      • To enter the supplier bills:
        • Go to "Received awaiting bill"
        • Open the PO
        • Click "Create bill"


The longer version:

Here are the steps to receive purchases orders and increase inventory levels:

    a. Create a new purchase order or click on an existing to edit the order.
    b. Click on the blue Receive button

    c. Enter the quantities received into the "Quantity to receive" column

    d. Check all the items and ensure they are correctly entered

    e. If the supplier invoice/bill has been supplied for the purchase order, enter its invoice/bill number into the
        "Supplier invoice/bill number or reference" box


    f. If the supplier invoice has not been supplied yet, e.g. for overseas purchase orders, you can
       i. commit the receive and then create a bill later from the "Received awaiting bill" menu item in Purchases.
       for more information on how to enter supplier invoices with one or more import costings, visit

    g. Once the data entry is ready, click on the final green button "Commit receive" to finalise the receipt.

    h. this action increases the stock levels; When tickbox "Automatically create a bill after receive" is ticked, then a supplier invoice/bill will be created automatically. The bill can be exported to Xero if the connection is established.


How to create a bill before items are receipted

*** For local currency POs only ***

Follow the steps below to create a bill for a purchase order before the items are receipted:

  1. Edit the PO
  2. To create the bill before receipt, make sure the shipping cost is blank
  3. Click "Setup landed costs" (top right)
  4. Enter the supplier bill date and bill number (into the reference field)
    • Check the PO amount is the same as the supplier bill
    • If not, click on the blue pencil icon to edit the product line prices to match the supplier bill
  5. If the supplier bill has a shipping charge, enter it into the Landed cost fees section like the below:
    • Click on the copy icon on the right (see below) to populate the supplier details to the shipping line:
    • Choose Shipping from the bill type drop down box
    • Enter the shipping charge amount:
  6. When everything is ready, click "Create bills before PO receipt"
    • After that, the supplier bill will be created and in turn it syncs to Xero
  7. Click "Save & close"
  8. Wait for the items to arrive
  9. Once receipted, follow the PO receive steps above to receive the products into stock



How to enter supplier invoices or bills after receipting an overseas purchase order:

  • Go to Purchases menu, then "Received awaiting bill"
  • Search for a PO, then click on the PO number to open
  • Click "Create bill" (blue button)
  • Enter the supplier's invoice date and number for the PO
  • In case the supplier's invoice values are different to what's entered onto the PO, click on the blue pencil icon (on the right) to edit the purchased product prices to match the invoice
  • Enter other fees and charges like shipping, customs or insurance; each fee/charge line needs to be associated with a supplier so that when the costing is finalised/posted, the system creates an invoice/bill for each fee line as well as to the main PO
  • When ready, click "Preview items" to view the landed costs (column highlighted in yellow)
  • After the values have been entered, to finalise and create the bills, click "Post bills & purchases"
  • To view the bills created, go to Purchases menu, then Bills


Expected receipted date (ETA)

Each PO can be linked to a landed cost calculation. This is where the ETA date can be set or updated, see below:



A quick PO with landed costing video

It includes:

  1. Bring up an existing order
  2. Print it and receive it
  3. Show the import costings or landed cost calculation process
  4. Bills are created
  5. Look at suppliers


User status:

The purchase order page allows a user to setup or define your own statuses. This is useful as you can flag an order to any status that you find it meaningful to you.

For example, you can create a user status of "Waiting on supplier" to tell all the users in the system that the order is waiting for the supplier to confirm.

Click here to setup your own purchase order user status


How to cancel a purchase order?

To cancel, click to edit the PO, then choose "Cancel" from the more dropdown sub-menu, see below:

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.