
Channel feeds

Qblue Inventory was design to integrate to multiple sale channels. At the time of writing this document Aug 2021, we integrate to Shopify and Trade Me.

Channel feeds is a page where you can manage all the feeds or what products and sell prices that go into that feed.

To start, if the last channel was not selected, choose one from the Channel dropdown box.

It displays all the products that are currently added to this feed.


Selling price markup

By default, when a product is added to the feed, the selling price comes from its default price. If there are any valid promotions, it takes the promotional price.

You can set a markup percentage against a feed, this means the sell price will be the normal selling price plus the markup percentage.

For example:

The picture shown below has a 5% markup. You can change this setting by clicking on "Click to update" link.


Alternatively, you can set a fixed price against each product, i.e. that's the price to be sent to the feed, see below:

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.