
System updates - 30 Jul 2024

System updates for 30 Jul 2024:

  • Products edit:
    • Added the display of supplier prices onto the product editor
    • Added a barcode quantity conversion field useful when scanning boxes and cartons. How this works:
      • When a carton barcode (with a qty conversion) is scanned, the system automatically feeds the 'Qty conversion' value into the quantity field. It used on sales orders entry, POS, stocktake count, adjustments and transfers
  • Products edit, Shopify integration:
    • Added the ability to re-order the display positions for the three variation titles, it will be used only for the Shopify integration
  • Accepting quotes online:
    • Added on-screen messages to be displayed after the quote has been accepted or denied
  • Cost adjustment:
    • Save the new cost onto the product when its current inventory is zero
  • Packing list printing:
    • New option for printing two copies of the packing list (not the customer copy)
    • Added a new print template with prices and images
  • Inventory transfer:
    • Added the weight column onto the location transfer report
  • Customer transactions:
    • When exporting the list of transactions, a new column for account code is included in the export file
  • Purchase order entry:
    • Ability to save the item's notes as the product's static note for future POs
    • The system now uses the email address listed in the PO location record as the "From email address" when emailing purchase orders
    • Added a reminder message display when the product's primary supplier is different to that of the PO's supplier
    • Fixed the display of PO total tax
  • Purchase order entry and products entry:
    • Added a new message to the products entry page that will serve as a popup reminder during PO entry
  • Purchase order receive:
    • Added optional bill date field, if filled in, this date will be applied as the bill's due date, superseding the date that is automatically determined
  • Sales orders entry:
    • Show the production job and start date information when the order has links to production jobs
    • Instead of displaying a stop error when shipping out an order that has its order value less than the prepay amount, a warning message is now displayed
    • Added a new feature called "Quote options"; the option products will appear at the bottom of the quote, allowing the buyer to choose whether or not to buy them. * Extra configuration may be required.
    • Cater for product's sales static notes on "Quote options"
  • Invoice view:
    • After an invoice has been sent to Xero, a new "Credit & re-invoice" option replaces the "Redo" feature on the invoice viewing page. This is used to copy the invoice for editing and automatically add a credit note. Keep in mind that the invoice and credit note will have different numbers
  • Xero integration, view journals:
    • Allows viewing individual invoices that were part of a COGS batch by drilling down on the batch
  • Trade Me integration:
    • Show the product variant options in the title description (if any) when there is only one variant in the list product
  • WooCommerce integration:
    • Improved the import orders function by issuing a "modified_after" command instead of "after" (created after date)
  • NopCommerce integration:
    • Added a new option for "Don't resync picture and body description"
  • Pricing tier edit:
    • New option to show only active products
  • Export data:
    • Added filter to include archived products when exporting product attributes
    • Added filter to include archived products when exporting the all product price tiers
  • Stocktake page:
    • Added a new feature that allows users to download individual spreadsheet files for each supplier of products that are added to the stocktake
  • Qblue pages:
    • Check to automatically resize popup pages when the main browser window resizes
    • Instead of seeing an error when a report PDF file is displayed in an iPad browser, the user can now click on a link to open the PDF file for viewing and printing
  • Sales reports:
    • Added "Entered by" filter for the "Customer sales selections report"
    • Added group by customers' relationship manager filter for the "Customer sales selections report"
    • Added group by customers' relationship manager for the "Product attributes" dashboard
    • Added new report filter for "Group by supplier" for the "Customer sales selections report"
    • Added new filter to exclude drafts and quotes for the "Outstanding orders report"
  • Customer options:
    • Added the ability to log or record a reason note when the credit limit or stop credit status changes
  • Product information:
    • For managers or users belong to the "allow_viewcosts" role, the PO numbers column is linked directly to view/edit the PO
  • Manufacturing:
    • For production jobs that are in work in progress status, the raw material quantities will be saved into the "Qty committed" column, and these can be viewed from the "Product information" page
    • Added a FG location (e.g. WIP) setting for receiving the manufactured product quantities into
  • Shopify integration:
    • To minimise the number of sync errors returned from Shopify, the system now checks if a product has multiple option titles but have no option values
  • Customer card files:
    • Added "Create new" access menu for creating new sales order, quote, opportunity or task. The customer's name will be populated automatically
  • POS:
    • Cater for loading a cancelled park order and able to un-cancel it
    • Added new option to view or search cancelled parked orders
  • POS EOD session:
    • When multiple locations share the same session number, the system now ensures to get the session id that relates to the current location
  • Invoice template:
    • Added new template for hiding the SKU or unit columns
  • New module:
    • Created a new owners products system to handle sales on behalf of a client, with the client receiving a commission once their goods are sold
  • Sales orders listing page:
    • Added new display and sort options for quotes
    • 'Stock good' thumbs up icon has been changed to a green tick to show if there is adequate inventory in the system to fulfill the order in full.

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.