How to process a dropship order
There are three main steps for handling dropship orders on Qblue Inventory:
- Enter the dropship sales order
- Link the order to to a purchase order (replenish) with ticking the Dropship option
- Once the supplier has given the notification that the order has been shipped:
- Receive the dropshop PO as per usual, this will
- increase the stock quantities
- create the supplier bill
- Invoice the sales order as per usual - this will
- reduce the stock quantities
- create the customer invoice
Replenish and link to a purchase order
Follow the steps below to link and create a new dropship purchase order:
- Open and edit the sales order
- Click more, then "Link to PO or replenish"
- Ensure the "Create dropship PO" is ticked
- Tick and select the products to be dropshipped
- When ready, click "Re-order the selected items"
- A new purchase order will be created for each qualified product supplier;
- the purchase order will be flagged as Dropship
- the ship to address will be set to the customer's shipping address (from the sales order)