
How to show serial numbers on packing lists

Show serial number option

Activate the following option on the sales settings page to have the serial numbers appear on packing lists:


Packing List vs Packing Slip (or Delivery Docket)

A packing list should be an internal document utilised by the pickers during picking.

In contrast, the final packing list, also known as a packing slip, delivery docket or delivery note, should be for the customer and be placed inside the package.

For serial numbers to appear on the packing list, the serial numbers must be pre-allocated for the order.

To pre-allocate serial numbers:

  1. Bring up an order
  2. Click "Ship out & invoice"
  3. Click "Pre-enter serial nos"

Print the packing list and the serial numbers will appear similar to the below:


After committing a shipment and the final packing list is printed, the allocated serial numbers will be printed similar to the below:



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