
POS- how to email an eReceipt

On the POS page, in order to be able to email a copy of an eReceipt,the POS sales order must have a customer assigned to it and the customer has a default email address in their card file.

Selecting a customer during the POS order:

  • Click on the "Customer: " hyperlink like below:

  • Type in the customers name, phone number or email address to search
  • Otherwise, to create a new customer, click "New customer" like below:

  • Ensure the customer has a valid email address


Finalising the sale:

On the payments selection page, tick the check box "Email eReceipt" before clicking on the Pay button


Re-emailing an eReceipt after the sale:

After the POS order has been finalised and invoices, to re-email a copy of the eReceipt:

  • Go to Sales menu then "Invoices & credits"
  • Search and find the related invoice
  • Click the Actions menu (top left)
  • Choose "Email eReceipt"
  • Ensure the correct email address is selected in the "To email" box
  • Click "Send"

Note that the email body message will be replaced the the text of the eReceipt.


If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.