
How to do a purchase return

There are two ways to create a purchase return:

1. Go to the bills page (in Purchases menu), find and click to view a bill, then:

  • Tick the line items to be credited
  • Click Actions
  • Choose Create purchase return

2. Or, create a normal purchase order, for the return, enter a negative quantity for the returning products


After the return is created:

  • Process the return like a normal PO
  • Click Return from the PO entry page
  • Click "Confirm return"
  • After that, the products will be taken out of stock
  • If the PO return is a local currency order, then after confirming the return, the system creates a supplier credit note
  • For overseas PO returns:
    • Go to "Received awaiting bill"
    • Open the PO return
    • Then click "Create bill" to finalise the credit note

To copy a purchase order

  • Go to Purchase orders
  • Search for the PO to be copied
  • Open it
  • Click Copy (or from the "more" dropdown menu, click Copy)

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.