

Bookmarks: Searching for a product | Search for a customer | Order totals | Auto print | Payments

Cash registers

Cash registers are unique to each store location. Each location can have many cash registers.

For each user, a default cash register can be assigned so that when the user performs a POS sale and in event of a card payment, the system knows which card payment device to connect to.

Normally, each lane has a dedicated checkout counter login. This is advantageous because the system will always know which card payment device to use. To edit/add a checkout counter login go to to the users page.

To edit/add cash registers for a location go to the settings page.



Qblue Inventory accepts different types of barcodes being scanned onto the system. The barcodes must be loaded against their respective products beforehand. To load barcodes, refer to the products menu.

On the POS, scan the barcodes onto the field highlighted below:

As soon as the barcode is scanned, the system will tell you if it's valid or not. If it doesn't find a product match, it will add the product into the point of sale order automatically.

Click here to view the hardware requirements


Searching for a product

Apart from scanning product barcodes, there are other ways to find products:

  • Type to search: type at least 3 characters into the search bar, then click on a line result to select.
  • Products search: click this button  to bring up the full product search. On this page, it'll start to search as soon as you type.
  • Categories search: click the arrow to the left of the search bar to bring up a menu with a list of products that are pre-defined or pre-configured. You can edit/add category product buttons from the settings page. Each button acts as a quick link that allows you to quickly add products into the order, and is particularly useful for shops that sell general products like fruit & veges, nuts, and/or coffee.


Search for a customer

When the POS starts up, the customer is preset to 'Default - POS'. If it doesn't exist, the system will automatically create it.

Click on the customer name to bring up the customer search. From there, you can find and click on the customer name link to continue.


Order totals


Auto print

Qblue Inventory supports auto print. In order for this to work, the POS computer must have the Zeablue print client installed and running. Currently the print client application is only available on Windows operating systems. It is a standalone and very lite application that sits on the system tray, silently accepting commands and printing whatever it's requested to do e.g. POS receipts, open till, or packing lists.

Click here to view how to setup auto print



Click on the big green Pay button to start accepting payments. The Card payment method has been set as default.

You can edit/add payments from the settings page or refer to the Payment methods topic.


Split payments

The system allows split payments on the same POS sale.

To do this, on the payments page click on the add split payment link

Important: Keep an eye on the totals displayed on the left hand side as it gives you the running remaining amount due.

The following example shows two split payments total to $5,000, with a remaining amount due of $290.00

Tip: As soon as you click on the Add split payment link, the system will automatically put the remaining due amount into the new payment amount box.


How to take a prepayment?

To do this:

  • Go to Point of sale (POS)
  • If an order is already in progress, save the order or start a new order
  • Click "Actions", then "Prepayment"
  • Enter the customer who will be paying for the prepayment
  • Enter the prepayment amount
  • Continue to the payments page

At the end, the system creates a credit note onto the customer's account. This can be used to offset other invoices or can be used on future orders from the POS.


If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.