
How to reverse a location transfer

To reverse a location transfer that has been committed/posted:

  1. Go to "Location transfer"
  2. Click "History" to find & load the transfer that needs to be reversed
  3. To make it easier to key in the same products, open a new browser tab by duplicating the current tab
  4. To reverse the transfer:
    • Ensure the From and To locations are swapped around, that is the stock items will be transferred back into the original location
    • Enter the same products and quantities to transfer
    • If the last transfer had shipping costs:
      • Ensure to enter the same shipping costs, BUT enter the values in negative numbers, for example:
  5. Commit the transfer when it's ready and after making sure the identical items, quantities, and/or shipping costs (in negatives) are entered

If you have any questions, ask us by creating a help desk ticket.