How to manage backorders
On the Sales orders page, the backorders have the status of Partfulfillled.
Ffor example, order qty=10, ship 4 now, left 6 in partfulfilled
Use the Replenish inventory page (inside the Products menu) to view the items in backorder (reserved) and to re-order the items.
After the products are receipted, ship out & invoice the partfulfilled orders the same ways as processing a sales order.
Stock good column
On the sales orders page, the last column "Stock good", if there is a thumbs up icon against the order line, then it means the system has enough stock quantities to cover the order in whole.
Tip: to see all orders that can be fulfilled, use the Stock goods button to filter out the orders list.
Status filters
You can choose to view all Partfulfilled orders by using the status filter at the top of the sales orders page like below: