
How to cancel an invoice and re-instate an order

If invoice #100 was mistakenly created, and at the same time, another duplicated order #200 is created with the same order details. But later, releasing order #200 is a duplicated one and then it was cancelled.
In this case, it's best to
1. Cancel the invoice #100,
2. Re-instate/reinstate order #200
3. Invoice order #200 to have have it the final invoice version
To cancel the invoice #100:
1. Go to Sales menu, Invoices & credits
2. Find the invoice, click on the invoice no.
3. Click Actions (dropdown menu), then choose "Redo invoice"
4. Once done, the system will credit the invoice, puts the products back into stock, and if any, it reverses the invoice's serial numbers back into stock. Note, after this step, the invoice will no longer be found i.e. essentially, it's deleted .
5. It also opens up the redoing order so you can basically redo anything;
6. BUT, in this case you don't want this order to finish, so click "Actions", then "Cancel order" to cancel it
Re-instate order #200
1. On the Sales orders list, search for 200
2. Click on it, then click "Un-cancel"
After that, process this order as per normal and if it applies, assign the necessary serial numbers.

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